Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜
推薦學習外語的小秘訣Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜!
Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜佳評如潮值得收藏,看完還讓我回味無窮!
Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜誠意推薦給大家看喔!
語言學習Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜全書的內容大意
內容簡介: Features
博客來?Eight test strategies? are presented, with explanation, examples, practice exercises, and test practice.
?Five vocabulary skill sets? are presented, with explanation, examples, practice exercises, and test practice.
?Four grammar skill sets? are presented, with explanation, examples, practice exercises, and test practice.
博客來網路書局?All strategies and skill sets are directly connected to the TOEIC? test.
?Two complete TOEIC? Practice Tests.
Each part contains the following components:
?Explanation and examples of one part of the TOEIC? test.
?Explanation and examples of a strategy, as it connects to the TOEIC? test
?Set I of strategy practice exercises which guide the student in discovering and exploring the strategy.
?Set II of strategy practice exercises which allow the student to utilize the strategy, ensuring comprehension.
?TOEIC? test practice which focuses on the strategy just learned.
博客來書店?Explanation and examples of a skill, either grammar or vocabulary, as it connects to the TOEIC? test.
?Set I of skill practice exercises which guide the student in discovering and exploring the language point.
博客來網路書店?Set II of skill practice exercises which allow the student to utilize the new language point, ensuring comprehension.
?TOEIC? test practice which focuses on the skill just learned.
?Review exercises which bring together the strategy and skill.
?Suggestions for further practice of strategy and skill, using authentic English-language media materials.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Jessica Beck
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2014/12/29
- 語言:英文
Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜
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Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CDs-2片排行榜